Down here in the South, we love our redneck jokes and pics. They're a favorite email passtime of ours. (Passtime is one word in the South - it's how you pass time.)
Redneck Fire Alarm
Please visit Kim, the hostess for Friday Funnies, for more laughter material.
Happy Friday, ya'll!
Laurie Ann,
Loved it...the funny part...it would not surprise me at all to see that in one of my (cuzins) house! hahahaha
Much love to you today, sweet sister!
I would also like to introduce to you a precious friend of mine. She is new to the bloggy world. Her name is Stephanie and her blog name is My Sacrifice of Praise. If you get a moment, would you stop in and give her some blog love?
Blessings to you today!!! again!!
OH that is so funny Laurie Ann. I always look forward to Friday's you guys are the best!
Blessings to you.
Ok, that is pretty good. Since you did a Red Neck Joke I will do one also.
Oh Laurie Ann! That is so hilarious - I love it!!! LOLOLOL
Yup, we got one-a them in every room. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog. It is fun to get to know you. so here you go...
If mud is dirt plus water, what is clay?
Dust of the earth plus living water!
Thank you my precious Potter!
OMGosh are you inside my neighbor's house? That is so funny I almost fell out of my chair. Thanks so much for the laugh!
Oh my word, that is funny! What a great giggle for a Friday. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks also for your sweet words of support and for your faithful prayers. I can't tell you how encouraging they've been!
So happy we "met." The Lord has truly blessed me with your friendship. = )
Well, friend. That took my sleepy brain a few seconds, but it was really funny! Thanks for the laugh.
How funny! I like the Redneck jokes, too. Guess I am one.
Girlfriend, you had me laughing so hard with this I nearly peed my pants! That is awesome. I love all your southern humor, being a southern gal myself! Thanks for a much needed belly laugh!!
LOL... funny! :)
Okay that's almost worse than my mattress in the pond.
Too funny!
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful comments over at my place. You have such wisdom!!!
I just spewed my iced tea! CRACKING UP!
Now THAT is funny!
That is hilarious!! What a hoot!
That is funny :) Thanks for the laugh!
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