Laurie, at Women Taking a Stand, is this weeks hostess for At the Well. She has chosen the topic of mentoring and has really given some sound instruction on what mentoring is all about. I highly encourage you to visit her blog and read her post.
She asked three discussion questions that I'll answer here today.
Have you even been mentored by someone? - not that I realized at the time, but yes. Mentors don't come with a label on them that says, "Hi, my name is ____ and I'm Laurie Ann's mentor." I longed for a mentor at one point, someone I could look up to and learn from, and realized that I had a few godly women in my life throughout the years who fit the bill.
What characteristics do you look for in a mentor? - wisdom, stability, consistency, openness, love, peace, self-control, just to name a few.
How do you go about pursuing a Godly mentoring relationship? It starts with prayer! And then just staying close and learning from them. I suppose you could ask someone to be your mentor and if they said no, not to take it personally. I consider many women in blog-land here my mentors. I love reading their blogs about their walk with Christ and the devotions they share. I walk away with so much encouragement, inspriation and wisdom. My best friend is 11 years older than I am. She's a great mentor. She is a strong Christian woman, yet she has told me the same. That I am her mentor. So I guess mentoring can cross the boundaries of age. I have never thought of myself as a mentor, but I pray that if anyone sees me that way, they see God at work in me and know it's all about Him.

Great points on mentoring. Thank you for sharing. I have also found many blog mentors who bless and encourage me. Yes, God at work in our lives - that is what it is all about!
I too have gotten lots of wisdom and encouragement in blog-land.
Laurie Ann,
Thank you for sharing your heart with us AT THE WELL today on mentoring. I am glad that you have a special friend that is pouring into your life; and yes so many friends in bloggy land that are mentoring, developing and encouraging me to be a better SISTER/SISTER! You being one of them. -Blessings, Laurie
PS: have the storms passed you by? I pray you are safe.
Bless you my friend.
I pray that the Lord allow me to be a mentor....I have had so many great mentors in my life and I would now love to be on the other end........... thanks for sharing your heart!
"It starts with a prayer." Amen. Wow, a lot of wisdom packed into this post. ;)
I've had several Godly ladies I've looked to as mentors, many from blog land as well. I've also been blessed through my art, by a dear lady who isa fellow artist and Christian who has taught me so much about what it really means to be a Godly woman.
I enjoyed reading your words and want you to know I've read back thru some of your posts and would say you mentored to me. Your reflections on your miscarriage took on a whole new meaning as I have experienced the very thing these past few days. Thanks for sharing and reminding me God will work thru this difficult time. Blessings to you and I pray God continues shining His light thru you.
I, too, used to pray for a godly mentor in my life, expecting for another woman to really take me under her wing and leading me by the hand in a formal way. Then I realized that there were women from everywhere who could be my mentors: women in the Bible, from history, from blogland, and in my "real" life. Great post!
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