Kim says, "You probably have answered this type of question at some point in your life, but this week I would like for you to answer the question for the CafĂ© Community. This question is pretty simple, but I think the answers to this question tell a lot about the person answering the question. Let’s see if that holds true this week…"

Great question! Assuming I have a Gilligan type hut with a bed, indoor plumbing, central air conditioning and fresh water, food, clothes, etc., I'd bring
My Bible
52 Books
A laptop
I could live with those three essentials alone. I never tire of reading the Bible. I'm also an avid reader, so books are essential. The laptop (with a lifelong battery) would suffice, even with no internet connection. A software program like Word or even Notepad would aid me in writing and I could play solitaire or scrabble to keep my mouse skills active.
Oh yeah, I could live on an island for a year (as long as it's not during hurricane season)! Okay - maybe a month, but it's fun to dream of leaving life behind every now and then, right? Just going into solitude...what an opportunity for a spiritual retreat. You sure couldn't run from God then, could you? No hustle and bustle of work, etc. Ahh....that's sounding good to me right now with the busy week I've had!
Oh yeah, I could live on an island for a year (as long as it's not during hurricane season)! Okay - maybe a month, but it's fun to dream of leaving life behind every now and then, right? Just going into solitude...what an opportunity for a spiritual retreat. You sure couldn't run from God then, could you? No hustle and bustle of work, etc. Ahh....that's sounding good to me right now with the busy week I've had!
What about you? Click here to put in your 2 cents worth and see what others had to say.

Laurie Ann~
I agree that deserted island sounds pretty good.
You had great answers for what you would take.
I agree no hurricane weather.
Scrabble on the lap top! Great idea! :)
I never thought of bringing books other than the Bible. I guess I thought that maybe with journal and pen I would be writing my own.
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