Truth - Thankful Thursday
Iris chose this verse to share. I love it. “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:31-32 (ESV ~ emphasis Iris')
what is true in any matter under consideration
truly, in truth, according to truth
of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly
what is true in things appertaining to God and the duties of man, moral and religious truth
in the greatest latitude
the true notions of God which are open to human reason without his supernatural intervention
the truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting God and the execution of his purposes through Christ, and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the Gentiles and the inventions of the Jews, and the corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers even among Christians
truth as a personal excellence
that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit
(source: crosswalk.com)
Christ is our Truth. He said it Himself.
I love doorways. Jesus beckons us to walk through the doorway of Truth and accept Him as our personal Savior and Lord. I praise God that I had strong influence in my life from an early age to love Jesus. I don't ever remember *not* knowing Him. I have always believed in God, but I had to choose to believe in the truth of His love for me and the truth of the way to salvation. Christ. Jesus is the only way.
Oh, the glorious gift of grace! Everything else in this life is just gravy!
Here's some of my gravy for the week....
~ My earthly father's recovery going well from pacemaker surgery. Wonderful visit with him tonight - God is faithful to answer prayers, ya'll - it could have gone so bad.
~ My sister's son - nephews are adorable. This little one was born August 19 and is an absolute angel.
~ My grandson Nolan. He is adorable and loves his Nonnie as much as Nonnie loves him. He's one whole year old now!
~ Steve's father's recovery from knee surgery - not going quite so speedily but he'll get there.
~ A friend's news that she has found God.
~ Oh! Ya'll, an all out miracle! My cousin's wife went to the hospital and discovered she was pregnant and had miscarried. He sent her to her doctor so he could decide whether surgery was necessary. There was a heartbeat, loud and strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God! I should have listed that one first, huh?
~ Cooler temps. Ike must have sent us some cooler weather. I am so tired of Mississippi humidity and frizzy hair.
~ My Bible. God's Word. I love it. That should have been second.
~ Harriett. She is such a blessing in my life. She's a great friend and my almost-sister. She's very open about the fact that she's adopted, and if I could just make the math compute, I declare Momma's holding a family secret!
~ I'm another year older. 38. I don't mind sharing my age. I celebrated my birthday on the 9th (at the hospital, praying Daddy through surgery)
~ Kelley made me a few more tags for my blog
~ Life. It is a blessing.
I could go on and on..............my husband says it's time to go to bed! He can't believe I'm still up. Gotta be at work early in the morning.
I can't pass this opportunity up, though.
T - Total trust in God
R - Remembering to check the devil's lies against God's Word
U - Understanding His plan of salvation and sharing it with others
T - Taking time to learn more about God's truth for us through daily reading of His Word
H - Having a faithful attitude that God's truth will never fail us
A lovely thankful post! Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you!
Laurie Ann,
What a BEAUTIFUL post! I love your acronym for TRUTH! I am going to be printing that out for me to see everyday! Thank you for sharing that with us!
And praise God, thank you Jesus! for ALL your gravies! Especially the one about your cousin's wife! Hallelujah!
I also wanted to let you know that I've 'tagged' you! I was tagged a couple days ago, and have been late in responding to it. But you can go here to see the post!
In Christ,
That was an incredible list!!! Blessings to you!
Laurie Ann,
What a grateful heart you have! Thank you for sharing your TT with us!
Blessings to you today!
Laurie Ann,
I am out the door, but will come back later today and read your TT post.
Just had to tell you that Tag you're it!
Hi, Laurie Ann! What a great week it sounds like you have had... prayers answered, loved ones coming to know Christ, new lives, miracles... WOW! God IS so very good, isn't He?!
Happy Thankful Thursday, my friend.
Laurie Ann, thanks for your comment on my TT and WOW! What amazing things you have to be grateful for! A miracle in a womb...not that is something to get excited about!!! Thanks for sharing about Truth ...the truth will set us free, free indeed! -Blessings, Laurie
Praise God for miracles!!
What a great list of blessings! Thanks for sharing them :)
What an awesome list, especially the pregnancy miracle - wow! Blessings to you in the week ahead!!
Wonderful post--especially the FAITH acronym at the end!
Wow, what a great post about Truth. Add to that your amazing Thankful list...truly a blessed week. Your cup truly overflows with rich blessings this week. (btw...Happy Belated Birthday!)
Thank you so much for your kind words about the storm in our area. When they described what we had on the news as a "hurricane without the rain", I immediately thought of you and Susan, knowing you've been through a number of them, no doubt far worse where you live. Quite a humbling display of the power of God...that's for sure!
Take care & thanks again for your sweet friendship!
Twinkle Mom of Sunflower Faith and I'm sure Susan gets far worse than we do. We're about 2.5 hours inland here. We get the outer bands, or as we call it "spawn". By the time they make it to us like from Katrina they are a Cat 1 or Tropical Storm by then - it's the wind and tornado spin offs that are so bad. And the driving in of the insects. We are plagued with love bugs right now from Gustav. Dawn from Whispers of the Morning and I have declared them our official state mascot, LOL! You are too sweet! Thanks!
great post for today and WFW which I jsut got to today. thanks you have a wonderful way with words and teaching.
I love the TRUTH down at the bottom of your post. It makes perfect sense! I'm glad your father made it through surgery and what a happy news about that miracle (pregnancy). Thanks for sharing.
Belated happy birthday to you. May God bless you and your family.
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