Monday, August 04, 2008

What a great post on Family Vision! Natalie, at I Am (Not) discusses the importance of having a family vision.

She writes: "But more than that, we have defined what we want our girls so strive after, what character traits we want to really develop in them, and how we will raise them to have a Kingdom Minded thought process for just about everything. It's a work in progress, but, uh, we're working on it."

Steve and I have an empty nest now, but I wish I had seen this back in the day. Of course, he doesn't know it, but we're going to start developing a family vision for the two of us and for grandparenting. I'm going to do some research in it and encourage you to do the same if you haven't already.

Get your spouse and the kids involved and see what you come up with for a family vision. Most of all, pray! That's the first step.

Be sure to join the other Women at the Well as we talk today by going to Natalie's by clicking here.

Love & Prayers to you,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!
Hope you have a wonderful week!

LauraLee Shaw said...

It's never too late! I wish I had been more cooperative when my husband tried to steer us into one several years back. I missed the blessing of the joy that would've come from it. But now I look to the future and know that God is working on this. Great stuff!

Denise said...

Praying for God to bless you with a precious vision my friend.

Anonymous said...

I think it is so important and that you and your spouse be on the same track! Plus I want to start striving to involved our friends. We went to a revial Friday night and told a friend that's what we were doing for date night and the sound in her voice was she didn't know what to say. It's important that our friends know without a doubt where we as a family being just the 2 of us or when we're blessed with a family that God is first and they need to see it! Hope you had a good weekend and that weird weather Saturday night didn't cause you guys any damage!

Natalie Witcher said...

Anyone can have vision at any time of their life!

lori said...

You know what Laurie Ann I look around and see many "empty nesters" who really do need that family's a new season and time for a new plan...what does God want from you and for you in this time...:) Great thoughts, I know a few grandparents who could benefit from this!! Maybe I'll subtly lead them here;)


Mindy said...

I know how you feel! I wish I'd found my faith when my older girls were babies! I do have a vision of what I want to nurture in my youngest and hopes for my husband to find the Lord as well.

Anonymous said...

Laurie Ann,

Thanks for the post! I appreciate your's never too late!


Heather said...

I think no matter what our family looks like (stage of life, etc.) we need to have a vision.

I have a personal life vision and so does my husband, but I'm not sure if we've thought about a family vision. Good food for thought.

Amydeanne said...

our family vision.. that's been a constant question these days, especially since we've moved out to the 160! Praying for God's direction on this one!

Colored Heart said...

"Get your spouse and the kids involved and see what you come up with for a family vision. Most of all, pray! That's the first step."

Yes, ma'am!!! (hand salute)
Please pray we'll have time to do this, and that my hubby will hear from God re: this. God bless you! Shalom!:$