Monday, August 11, 2008

The women at the well are all talking about welcoming home Daddy from work. What could I possibly contribute to this? We have no children living at home and we both work outside the home.

Steve and I always leave for work at the same time and arrive home at the same time. We even ride together! We work 2 blocks apart.

I've always worked outside the home and never regretted it until this year. Oh, what could have been! But it wasn't. No turning back now. She's 23 and has one child of her own and one on the way. She is a stay-at-home mom. Make that a work-at-home mom. Nolan is almost a year old and keeps her far busier than my job here!

So what's my contribution this week?

How can we lay a welcome mat of love for our husbands after a long day of hard work?

:::::: When Steve picks me up each afternoon, the first thing I do is thank him, and the second thing I do is ask him about his day. I want him to know I'm interested in hearing about what goes on 2 doors down. I want him to know I care about him and am interested in his life.

How can we make our homes inviting places where Daddy longs to be at the end of a long day?

::::::: With both of us working outside the home, we have both opted to share in the duties of the house.

How can we involve our children in this process and teach them to show reverence to their Daddy?

:::::: Hmmm........When Kristyn was younger, I made sure she would pray for Steve, and do little things for him like take him ice water when he was cutting grass outside.

Click on the At the Well to see what contributions the other Women at the Well have made...


Denise said...

I enjoyed this sweetie, bless your heart.

Sunny Shell said...

Hello precious sister Laurie Ann!

I LOVE your site! It's absolutely beautiful! And I enjoyed reading your post...a very different perspective with being empty-nesters. Thank you for sharing!

I was so encouraged to read your comment on my blog about the love texts you send your husband during the day! That's so GREAT!!!

Much love in Christ,

Mindy said...

I know how you feel about times past. I worked through the entire childhoods of my two older children. Now that I am able to be home, I am so thankful to be able to enjoy her in ways I never got to before.

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

Hello, sweet friend!

Thanks for the kind words AND loved that you decided to turn phone off in the AM. I am sure God will take that time and BLESS it tremendously!

Blessings, Sister!

Tiffanie Lloyd said...

We pray for dad too while he is at work. I think that is really powerful.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like your layout.

Unknown said...

Laurie Ann,
I'm so glad that even though you don't have any children at home, you SILL decided to share today!!! I think you always have such beautiful words of wisdom.

You know I just love your heart and sweet spirit.

Thanks for coming to the Well today and allowing the Lord to speak through your words! :)

lori said...

your heart really does come through on your site, it really does...
It's not just in homes with families, but in those empty nests we treat those men in our lives is always critical, whatever the "season."

Thank you for sharing with us...we will all be there someday:)
You bring wisdom...and lots of it!
