Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
~ 1 Peter 4:8~

My WFW post last week was on the Fruits of the Spirit. The first fruit of the spirit listed is "Love". One of the questions I asked myself was, "How does my garden grow?"

One thing I have learned about love is this:

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

While I can't exactly go out and die for others to demonstrate my love for them (my husband would miss me too much!), I can extend the love Christ has given me to others. When He died for our sins, He removed them as far as the east is from the west. One song I love puts into perspective just how far that is..."from one scarred hand to the other."

Should I not extend that same courtesy to others? Loving them enough to remove their sin from my life? I'm talking about deep-down forgiveness. The kind where you sometimes have to love the sinner but hate the sin, the kind where sometimes you have to continue to love them from a distance and not up close. Or perhaps the offense is minor and if they're not abusive or abrasive, as I like to say, welcoming them back into the fold.

I've found the following Scriptures helpful in expressing this kind of love:

"He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends." - Proverbs 17:9

"Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." - Proverbs 10:12

One thing that might help me in this is having a council of 2 or 3 people (one will be my spouse) who are very close to me. I make sure that they know I am not gossiping or trying to change their opinion of the person, but if I just have to vent, I can do it safely. They will be able to pray with me about it and help me tend the Love row of my garden.

Wish me luck! Delving into cultivating my garden is an experience, I tell you. I have found that Christ has given me more opportunities to grow lately than I have ever had before. Growing kind of hurts, it stretches my branches, I guess. But it's a good means I'm growing fruit!

Again, my prayer is:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. - Psalm 139:23-24
Be sure to visit the host of 160AcreWoods for more Word Filled Wednesday's. God will surely bless you through these inspired posts, where Scripture and pictures are used in sharing God's Word for our lives.


Denise said...

A great big hearty amen to this my friend.

Anonymous said...

The window closed before I could comment..Lol.

Those were wise and beautiful words of encouragement that you had shared and I am so grateful to you and your counsel!

Tanja said...

Wow, Laurie Ann, that's a mouthful. Such wonderful words. Thanks so much for sharing those verses.

Amydeanne said...

sweet! I love how you intro'ed it in with last weeks post!
Your blog is always such a blessing to read! Thank-you for being faithful to Jesus!

Anonymous said...

That's a great reminder to love each other deeply, to forgive, and grow in our Christian faith.

Susannah said...

Wonderful words of encouragement. Lord, help us to grow!

e-Mom @ Chrysalis

Unknown said...

Laurie Ann,
How right you are that growing and stretching hurt. He has been doing a lot of that with me lately. It hurts in the short-term, but in the long run I know it is building me to be who Christ wants me to be. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words of wisdom! :)

Melanie said...

Wow.. what a great post, Laurie Ann! I, too, am trying to "cultivate my garden", so we'll be traveling this road together.

God Bless!

Leaon Mary said...

Positively GLORIOUS!
I understand as well about the need to share hearts with a trusted Godly friend. It really does help sometimes! Because then, your friend will send up prayers on your behalf as well. -- What you wrote about having to love someone from a distance... (GULP) hit home as well.
Thanks for sharing your HEART today. I have to say.... it is a beautiful one. I think your garden is growing very lush and green and full of sweetly scented fruit.*

Anonymous said...

Ok wish I had come here and read your post BEFORE responding to an email I got earlier. Great post my friend! My favorite verse you posted is Romans 5:8. I can remember my former pastor and his sermons and he used that verse often. Made me remember him because I miss him. Thanks for the blessing!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Yes, the greatest is LOVE and God is LOVE.
Have a great WFW.

Anonymous said...

Great advice on love; I enjoyed the scriptures you highlighted.

A happy heart at home said...

Thanks for sharing, and thanks for your comment on my blog. Happy WFW!


Nancie said...

Very encouraging post! A precious reminder to love others. I really enjoy your writing. Thank God for ministering to you and us. Thanks for sharing this lovely picture and verse. Happy WFW!

Alex said...

I found a quote about the fruit of the Spirit a while ago: - its a great quote!

Happy WFW!

lori said...

Love,Love,LOVE this verse....
What truth here!!!
I love how you wrote that while you can't just DIE for others...(my people would miss me too;)) you can forgive...powerful stuff there lady!:) I need to hear this...something great to think on tonight...thank you for sharing!
always a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Above all else...
I've thought a lot about this verse this year.
Thanks for your encouragement here. Blessings...

God Chaser said...

Thanks this is a beautiful post-may my garden grow with love consistently. I love the idea of having a row for each fruit.