Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Susan is hosting In "Other" Words Tuesdays today. Pop on over to her site to see what others had to say by clicking on either link above.

“I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you...” Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

God is in control. His purposes will come to pass in our lives no matter what the plans are that we have for ourselves. There's a lot of surrender involved in being able to accept that, more than you may think, and the level is different for each person.

The plans I had for my life included something I never received, children of my own, but God chose to bless me in different ways. His plans for me seemed to include me getting my eyes off what *I* wanted and being thankful for what He had given me.

My life of gratitude and thanksgiving to God for the minute things in life would not be if He had granted me the plans of my heart, perhaps. I like to think it would, but I'm not sure. This I know: My prayer life would not be nearly as strong. I spent 8 years, praying every day, rising early, doing devotions, drawing close to Him, and what initially began as prayer for children to fill my home moved into intercession, thanksgiving, confession and adoration for God.

Also, with two illnesses that I have, Mommy Material I am not. Others with the same illnesses might be, but *I* don't have the stuff it takes. God knew that. His plans...

God's purposes and plans stand firm forever. They are eternal, they are for our own good, and most importantly, they are for God's glory. It's not about us. It's not about what *we* want, it's how we use what He blesses us with for Him.

I'm a planner by nature. I have lists, and I even have a list listing the lists I have made! I'm *that* bad! I don't usually enjoy seeing those plans changed by God at the time, because some of those times can hurt; however, in the end, His plans are the ones that never fail.

While the plans I made to have a child didn't come to pass (I did get pregnant once but she was born into Heaven rather than earth), I received the joy of raising my bonus daughter from age 6 to 20.

God knew this little girl needed a "Laurie Ann" and I was there for her. I ran down the hall with her at 2:00 a.m. in the morning when she was sick, I changed sheets, I held her when she cried, I cooked her meals, helped with homework, laughed with her, taught her what devotions were, made sure she felt loved and secure and grew up happy and healthy, as best as I could. Most of all, I loved her. Unconditonally. I got to be a Mommy. God planned that, and He opened my eyes to see what I had right in front of me.

Now I see some of God's other plans for me coming into fruition. I am a grandmother (Nonnie) to Baby Nolan, age 10 months. Baby Liam is due to be born November 1. My first nephew on my side of the family is due to be born at the end of August - Baby Ethan. I am surrounded by the love of children. Children I can send home with their Momma's & Daddy's after I'm through loving on them. (Did I hear you snicker?)

Shameless plug of one of God's plans come to pass in my life:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9.

God's plans are always the best plans.


Susan said...

Hey Laurie Ann,

Oh, how precious you are. You really "got me" with this post!

I love your grateful and trusting heart.

...and what initially began as prayer for children to fill my home moved into intercession, thanksgiving, confession and adoration for God.

Oh, what a beautiful TESTIMONY to the FAITHFULNESS of our mighty GOD and a heart that seeks HARD after HIM...

Blessings to you, and thanks for participating today♥

Denise said...

You touched my heart with this precious post sweetie.

Unknown said...

Beautiful testimony. Real, limited and true - God is pleased. And, look at that BABY! HE is just precious. And, so are you. Blessings... I'm going to read your post about the Shack because I just finished the book! Blessings.

Chocolate and Coffee said...

Lovely post. You truly touched my heart today.


lori said...

I'm a planner by nature. I have lists, and I even have a list listing the lists I have made! I'm *that* bad! I don't usually enjoy seeing those plans changed by God at the time, because some of those times can hurt; however, in the end, His plans are the ones that never fail....

Ok..I could have written that myself...I learned more than anything else in my life during my infertility years...HIS plans...not mine...

What a touching post...I'm all welled up....
you've blessed me!

I just finished The Shack too....wow...what a piece of literature...such emotions!

Karen said...

That was great to read. It's important that just because our plans didn't come into being didn't mean they were "bad" plans, they just weren't God's. Thanks so much. God bless those wonderful grandchildren.

Lelia Chealey said...

Great and timely post for me! Thanks for sharing and thank you so much for your prayers for my daugther. Her return will be much celebrated, but in the meantime I will keep my eyes focused on Jesus!
CUTE PICTURES! Love the mirror shot ;)

Tracy said...

So beautifully spoken from a heart of acceptance and contentment. You're so right...God's plans are always (always, always) the best plans.

Paula V said...

My heart is warmed to "meet" a fellow non-Mommy Material. I am 34 and don't believe I will bear my own children either. I've not wanted children for years. Having endured some marital and personal problems, I've questioned that decision but I'm okay either way. If I'm never mommy or if God changes my desires and allows it, either way, God's way is good for me.

I too have two adorable nieces who absolutely bless my heart.

I LOVE those pics. Can we say:

Miriam Pauline said...

Beautiful post. Bless you for sharing.