Monday, July 07, 2008

I saw this on Marybeth Whalen's blog and thought it would be fun to do for a Monday.

Consider yourself tagged! Leave me a comment and don't forget to leave Marybeth one.

A is for age.
37 for a few more months. Would you believe as a youngster I once believed I would *not* live past the age of 16? I had dreams, but no real vision of my life after the age of 18. Figured I'd just die. When I made it past that, I thought at 18 I would die. When I hit 18, I quit "figuring". God has fulfilled my life and here I am, all those many many years later, content and happy.
B is for burger of choice.
I'm not much of a burger eater. If it has cheese on it and no lettuce or pickles, I'm generally good to go, though.
C is for what car you drive.
2002 black Kia Sportage most of the time. We also have a 2002 Saturn. I prefer the Sportage. I love sitting up higher and being able to "see".
D is for Dog's name.
Wilson. He was named after the ball in Castaway. Remember the one that helped Tom Hanks through a very tough time on the island? We lost our beloved Copper when he was 10 years old. The house was so silent (we have an empty nest) and we were so lonely. Wilson is our 3 year old toy poodle. He was healing balm sent from God.
E is for essential item you use every day.
A book. I use books like some people use air. I have to read.
F is for favorite tv show at the moment.
Ya'll, I have discovered the Hallmark Channel! Perry Mason rocks! All those old detective shows like Diagnosis Murder, Murder She Wrote, McBride, Matlock do. I also love Law & Order during the week. I'm detoxing from CSI. I started having nightmares about things from that show. It's very graphic and when you watch some of those old detective shows/movies you, realize how wholesome they are, LOL.
G is for Favorite game.
I don't have the patience for a board game, yet I enjoy Literati on yahoo games or Mah Jong.
H is for Hometown.
Jackson, MS. I live in a suburb now.
I is for instruments you play.
I play piano by ear.
J is for favorite juice.
Not a juice drinker. I wish I liked it. It just feels like it burns a hole in my tummy.
K is for who you'd like to kiss.
(Marybeth graciously changed this from the original because it was a bit crude.)My grandson Nolan. At 10 months old he is very smoochable.
L is for last restaurant you ate at.
Red Lobster. Yummy!
M is for your favorite Muppet.
Never liked them. They grossed me out.
N is for number of piercings.
Ears only.
O is for overnight hospital stays.
Many. (I was sick with kidney issues as a child that involved multiple hospitalizations.) Marybeth wrote that and I could make that my own sentence. I ended up having surgery at the age of 6 and the issues were resolved. I was in a few more times for the childhood tonsilectomy and assorted illnesses, as well as a horrible case of bronchitis and flu my senior year of high school. As an adult, I have had many female issues that have required multiple surgeries, causing me to lose my uterus, tubes, and other trappings, as well as a couple of benign lumps in da girls, but that's over now, thank goodness. Oh, and I'm minus a gallbladder. I miss it.
P is for people you were with today.
Family & extended family (aka my coworkers!)
Q is for what you do with your quiet time.
Read the Bible (I'm in Ezekiel right now), pray, sometimes sing a song.
R is for biggest regret.
I don't have any regrets. Every mistake I've made is forgiven and everything I've done has brought me to right here, right now.
S is for status.
Married 17 years this past May 11.
T is for time you woke up today.
6:29 a.m., one minute before the alarm went off.
U is for what you consider unique.
Babies. Each one is so different, so full of promise and hope for the future.
V is for vegetable you love.
W is for worst habit.
X is for number of x-rays you've had.
So many I am probably radioactive.
Y is for yummy food you ate today.
Chicken biscuit. The day is still young, though!
Z is for zodiac sign.
Virgo. I don't believe in astrological stuff, though.


Sam said...

A great meme - I stole it too!! (I too am a terrible procrastinator!)

LAURIE said...

Laurie Ann,
how fun was that! I feel like I already know you better and if we lived closer I would love to go to Red Lobster with you. Its one of my favorite restuarants (coconut shrimp and those rolls!!!! yum)

Have a great day.

Melanie said...

Hey, Laurie Ann! This is a fun meme.. I've seen it around, too. I just may have to join in on the fun and do this one sometime soon, too.

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

That was fun to read! Maybe if I have time tomorrow at the office I may do this one :)

Tracy said...

Fun! I'll keep it in mind...just might have to do it too! = )

Lelia Chealey said...

Well,that was neat!