God speaks....
Yesterday, I talked with Jimmy, my uncle (pictured with his wife and twin boys, age 7), about his recovery process from brain surgery he had to remove a melanoma tumor.
He mentioned how evident God's handprints have been throughout this entire opportunity (I refuse to call it a crisis, stomping my foot in defiance).
He was telling me that he knows it's all God's doing that he's doing so well. While he acknowledges the skill of the doctors and thanks God for them, Jimmy knows that God is the one who deserves the credit for everything. Jimmy says this is not about him at all...it's all about God. I couldn't believe that he hasn't had to have anything stronger than extra-strength tylenol for pain (other than 2 darvoet that they made him take, he did not ask for them).
God has also been so at work reminding Jimmy of how much He loves him and is there for him as His Protector. One of the ways was that he was reminded recently was that a friend texted a scripture to him. That same scripture shows up in two places later. He was reading the Psalms before bedtime as his devotion and Susan was reading a devotion from a book.
Even in the small things, God reminds us that there are not coincidences.
The Scripture he mentioned that was showing up in the incident he talked about was Habbakuk 3:19. And it showed up for me today. Guess what biblegateway's verse of the day is?

Yesterday, I talked with Jimmy, my uncle (pictured with his wife and twin boys, age 7), about his recovery process from brain surgery he had to remove a melanoma tumor.
He mentioned how evident God's handprints have been throughout this entire opportunity (I refuse to call it a crisis, stomping my foot in defiance).
He was telling me that he knows it's all God's doing that he's doing so well. While he acknowledges the skill of the doctors and thanks God for them, Jimmy knows that God is the one who deserves the credit for everything. Jimmy says this is not about him at all...it's all about God. I couldn't believe that he hasn't had to have anything stronger than extra-strength tylenol for pain (other than 2 darvoet that they made him take, he did not ask for them).
God has also been so at work reminding Jimmy of how much He loves him and is there for him as His Protector. One of the ways was that he was reminded recently was that a friend texted a scripture to him. That same scripture shows up in two places later. He was reading the Psalms before bedtime as his devotion and Susan was reading a devotion from a book.
Even in the small things, God reminds us that there are not coincidences.
The Scripture he mentioned that was showing up in the incident he talked about was Habbakuk 3:19. And it showed up for me today. Guess what biblegateway's verse of the day is?
“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.”- Habakkuk 3:19Thank You, God, for the reminder that You surround our family with Your ever-present strength and hope. Your love is eternal and timeless, it is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I love seeing Your precious handprints, reminding me even in my own day to day opportunities, that You are my strength, You make my feet strong and able to stand firmly.

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