This week, Nina is hosting "In 'Other' Words" at her site, Mama's Little Treasures.
This weeks quote is:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8
God's handprints....they're everywhere. I blogged on this yesterday when I was thinking about curtailing what I watch on television.
It's a garbage in/garbage out decision. What I watch stays with me. I'm still thinking about that severed head I saw on CSI the other night. I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing such an image.
What do I put in my mind? If I use the above Scripture as principle, my choices should be things that are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, to think on those things.
My foundation is in Christ. I need to read and watch things that honor Him.
I also need to use this as a guideline for my speech and for my conversations with friends. If it doesn't bring truth, honesty, etc., I do not need to go there. I am a new creation in Christ. The old is gone. Well, it should be gone, and I'm doing some clean-up in my life to help.
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my
heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my
Redeemer." Psalms 19:14
Am I doing this to bring focus on myself? A thousand times, NO! This is to honor God. He is honored by my attempted reflection of Him. I want Him to see "lovely" when He looks at me. I want Him to see "pure" and "good report". I want Him to see Him.

Wonderful thoughts. I've learned to be more careful what I put in my mind, too. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent thoughts and so so true....So glad to see you are participating..this is a really great meme!
It's so true that we have to take care that we don't overstep boundaries and what we say bear testimony to our walk.
Sometimes our actions can say otherwise from what our mouths claim to be and we become what we are really thinking then what we should be thinking.
"I want Him to see Him."
Amen! Bless you for sharing.
Laurie Ann,
Great thoughts. This verse has litteraly changed my life and rocked my world and being to the core. (You'll have to check out my post today!)
I'm convinced that most Christians, including myself, are not livin' out this Scriputre to it's fullest. I think we play the game of "how close can I get and still be ok".
Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing! :)
Laurie Ann,
Isn't this ironic after you just blogged about this yesterday...sounds like a confirmation to me! Interestingly, I shared about you in Bible study today...another woman said she's been feeling the same conviction. Hearing the way you've committed to take action has inspired her to do likewise. = ) Thank you for sharing this great post. I too want the Lord to look at me and see "Him."
Tracy = )
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