Melly tagged me for 8. Visit her Eight at
8 Things I'm passionate aboutreading the Bible
8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
- serve God better
- be a better wife, daughter, friend, etc.
- retire
- have more grandchildren
- overcome my fear of elephants
- fly/overcome my fear of flying
- live in a cooler climate
- blog better
8 Things I say Often
- get out!
- not so much.
- Wilson!!!!!!
- did I tell you what Baby No did last...
- is it time?
- yikes!
- dad gum it
- oops
8 Books I've read recently
- The Bible
- Ice Bound
- Paul by Chuck Swindoll
- David by Chuck Swindoll
- Moses by Chuck Swindoll
- Escape by Carolyn Jessup
- His Favorite Wife by I Can't Remember Who
- The entire Left Behind Series, pre-quels and all
8 Songs I could listen to over and over
- I Can Only Imagine
- God is in Control
- Tears of the Saints
- The Story
- The song where the feather is floating in Forrest Gump
- All Rise
- Bring the Rain
- Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin)
8 Things that attract me to my best friend
- his Christian heart
- his strength, emotional and physical
- his outspoken and unconditional love for me
- his intelligence
- his willingness to listen
- his putting up with my illnesses
- his fatherhood abilities
- his humor
8 Things I've learned this year
- no matter how unworthy I feel, Christ died to make me worthy - it's a fact
- to pretty much stop caring what others think about me
- when God says, "No," He has His reasons and I'm just to be thankful for His grace
- never to give up in prayer
- blogging rocks!
- the WOW Gals are wonderful
- you can't pick your relatives
- grandchildren are some of the most awesome gifts in the world

LOL..I got your tag!! Thank you!
Hi, Laurie Ann. I really enjoyed reading your answers to the meme. I think these are alot of fun!
Enjoy your weekend!
Laurie Ann, How fun to read these and get to know a little more about you...thanks for sharing. = )
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