Thursday, January 15, 2009

Date Night
I love impromptu date nights, especially when I'm feeling well. I had a great day today. Very little back pain. (The cold weather brings major pain for me with fibro and my back is sensitive right now...having minor muscle spasms, possibly from lifting grandchildren Monday night?)
Steve and I ride to work together since we only work about a block apart. When he picked me up after work he asked me if I was up to going out. Um, oh yeah!
We went to a local place not too far from work called Fenian's, an Irish pub style restaurant. He had the Shepherd’s Boxty, which i "Tender minced beef, carrots and peas and topped with more shepherd’s filling." I had the Ploughman’s Potato, which is "A huge baked potato filled with the most tender homemade roast beef or corned beef, shredded cheese, butter and sour cream topped with chives and fresh bacon bits." In a word - YUMMERS!
We had a great time chit chatting about this, that and the other. You know those conversations...everything from deer antlers to what could be wrong with Daddy. I love those precious talks.
We left there and headed for one of my favorite destinations, Borders. They didn't have Heaven by Randy Alcorn, but I called Books-A-Million and was assured they not only had it in stock but had 10 copies. There was another lady there at Borders asking about the same book. I shared the information with her about BAM and she said she'd check it out.
Books-A-Million did not have the book. Ahem. I was a little upset because it was quite a drive out there and I knew we needed to get home and let Wilson out. They looked and looked, said the guy who told me it was in stock and that he saw 10 copies had only been working there a week (excuse the sarcasm, but I guess that could affect one's vision, yeah, that made it better). I asked to speak with the manager and told him I really felt like they had let me down and dropped the ball on this. He apologized and I thanked him for the 3 employees who had combed the store for 30 minutes looking for the book. To make amends he called Barnes & Noble and had them hold a copy at the desk for me. He truly was sorry and had no excuse for the "misunderstanding". I thanked him and we left on good terms.
The we go all the way out to Barnes & Noble or go home and let Wilson out? I was on a mission - Wilson, poor soul, could wait. I called Barnes & Noble to make sure they did, in fact, have the book and were holding it under the BAM manager's name. Once I got there they couldn't locate it! My bad - his last name wasn't Johnson, it was Jones. Or maybe it wasn't Jones but Johnson. At any rate, I got the book.
We had fun on the ride and made light of how those things happen. It was just one of those nights. I was glad we got to spend that time together laughing and talking and singing to the radio. Although I'm not a huge fan of The Cars, I do know their music because Steve and Kristyn like them. "I don't mind you coming here...and wasting all my time....cause when you're standing oh-so-near...I kinda lose my mind, yeah!" LOL!
Wilson was indeed happy to see us.
Date night was fun! We must do it again sometime soon. Even if we do have to go to three different bookstores for a book. I was a woman on a mission with a husband who understood her need!
Now I'm ready to go read Heaven. This promises to be a good read. I've had my eye on it for a while now and I'm really looking forward to it. Have you read it? What do you think?


More Than Words said...

Hi! Oh, that was a great story!! I think having spontaneous moments like that are the best!! I'm glad you had a great date night, and overall the evening ended well!! HUGS!

LauraLee Shaw said...

I loved hearing about this! you will not be disappointed with the "Heaven" book. It is fabulous, and one you can even skip and skim around on...awesome, anointed piece of work.

Oh, and date night with my hubby and the Cars are a given. "You might think I'm delirious. All I want is You." lol. And Brian is so comfortable with me that he turns it up and SINGs ALONG...and (shhhh...he can't sing all so great). Sends my heart a flitter anyway. ;D

Glad you're feeling a little better right now. Reprieves are always nice, even if just for a bit.

Speaking from the Heart said...

What a fun way to start a weekend.

Denise said...

Sounds like so much fun sweetie, good for you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like just an awesome evening! What a great guy your hubby is to think of it! And bookstores? They are one of mine and Studly's FAVORITE places to go!

Happy to hear that you made it home in time for Wilson! ;-)

LAURIE said...

Laurie Ann-
That was TOO funny and sounds exactly like a date night that my husband and I would have. Just think of all the extra "chit chat" time driving around town gave you! And poor Wilson...did he make it? I remember that Cars song...believe it or not in my teen years they were one of my favorite groups to listen to. well hubb and I are having a date night this weekend so maybe mine will go more smoothly..ha ha.

Darlene said...

Glad you got a night out with your man!! Sounds like a wonderful time...your man was nice to be so patient with the book stores.