Steve and I went to see Fireproof tonight.
Spoiler alert - stop reading if you haven't seen the movie! Hopefully the text below is light enough that you'll have to highlight it with your mouse to read. If not, I apologize, but I did warn you! Click and drag your mouse to highlight below.
Steve and I were amazed at the strength and wisdom of Caleb's (Kirk Cameron) father and mother, their encouragement, particularly that of his father, never to give up on your marriage.
Steve and I have hit some pretty rocky spots in our marriage before and all three times we were encouraged by both sets of parents to get out while the getting was good. This was no surprise, coming from my parents. My Mom stayed in her marriage to Daddy for nearly 35 years. They separated 3 times when I was growing up, once when I was in 5th grade, once in 8th, and once when I was a senior in high school. My Dad was of the opinion that if I left him, it needed to be for good and he would provide for me financially if I did. Steve and I separated 3 times, divorcing one of those times. God restored our marriage and we re-married. We were divorced less than a year and don't count it in our years of marriage. We've been married 17 years in the eyes of God and 17 years in ours as well.
Steve's parents have had a rock solid marriage for over 40 years, pushing 50, I would guess. They also encouraged our separations and divorce.
Separation and divorce are no longer in our vocabulary and haven't beeen since we remarried in 2003.
So now you know more about us. But this was not about that.
Date night was awesome! Fireproof is an excellent movie and I hope if you haven't seen it that you'll see it soon. It was very well made and the scenery was beautiful. Set in Albany, GA, the southern accents were great, and I could count the number of times they said "ya'll" on one hand, which is about 10 hands less than I say it in a day myself. Mississippi girl here!

I love me some Fireproof! The message of Christ on the big screen...what could be better?
I'm glad you got to watch it with your hubby. It is such a powerful movie. Thanks for sharing your story too.
Blessings Laurie Ann,
Thanks for the warning but you know that it would just tempt me to read. I don't think you gave away the movie...or maybe I missed it!
I looked for the movie here in Mexico but perhaps it isn't here.
I guess I have to wait til Jan for the DVD!
However, what you shared since I peeked really can offer HOPE to people burning in their marriage.
Have you seen The Love Dare?
I don't know what saved you two with family supporting the worse but you are now blessed by God seeing you through the highs & lows & difficulties & your promise to not allow that as an OUT makes you stronger! May God bless your union and help you to always dare to love first before running, facing & resolving conflicts before they bring disaster or more heartache...going to Our Lord to work it out & see you through!
Thanks for sharing a personal part of your heart! I knew I loved you!
Hoping I can see this movie!
Thanks for sharing your life with us. We came so close to divorce more than a once in our 17 1/2 years of marriage for different reasons...but, God kept pulling us back together each time. We are stronger and our marriage is better now because of those difficulties. Divorce is not an option for us anymore...PERIOD. We both were married and divorced...we don't want to go through that again.
Have a blessed evening.
I love this movie so much, glad you got to see it sweetie.
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