Sunny, from A Damsel No Longer In Distress, is hosting a giveaway! Click the button up top or the one on my sidebar for more information.
I grew up in a home where the love of God was taught to me at an early age. I grew up in church, so my answer is Sunday School teachers, youth group ministers, the Preacher, retreat leaders...I was blessed with going to a church that was Bible-believing and preached the Good News!
What was your first reaction when you heard the Gospel for the first time?
I really can't remember a time when I had not heard the Gospel message, but when I really "listened", I felt broken, then light as a feather as I accepted Christ.
How long did it take you to understand Jesus is the only Savior, repent and trust Him with your life?
I didn't make a true committment to Him until I was in my teens, though. He has been my Savior since I was 17, and I came to know Him as my Lord in my 20s. Sound confusing? What I mean to say is that although I was saved early on, I didn't walk with Him and talk with Him until a few years later. Now we are steady!
How often do you share the Gospel with others?
Not often enough. I am intimidated, afraid I will say the wrong thing. It's easy for me to email or blog about it, but face-to-face? Help! Am I alone in this? It's not that I want to keep Him all to myself. I don't. Once, when we were hosting a crusade, I was a counselor. I was a senior in high school. The girl I counseled heard the message and came down, and even though I talked with her at length about Christ and what He did for us, she chose not to make a profession of faith. I was heartbroken. Crushed. I felt as though she had rejected me, I think, looking back, though I didn't realize it at the time. I pray for her when she comes to mind. My sweet grandmother told me that at least a seed was planted and we prayed that would be watered and grow. I do leave tracts in places when I have them - restaurants, restrooms, desks, etc.
What plans do you have to become more committed to sharing salvation in Christ with others?
I pray daily that God would place people in my life that I could share His love with. Then I freeze up when the opportunity arises. For example, the other day, a vagrant walked into our parking garage begging for money, and I should have told him about Christ, but didn't. Part of me was scared of him (eyes glazed over, holding a big box, scraping cigarette butts from ashtray) scary! I'm going to do some research this weekend to see how I can overcome the freeze-up.
What scares you the most about sharing the Gospel and what Scriptures have helped you overcome those fears?
Rejection. Not being clear about the Message, wondering if I should seize an opportunity, timing. Some Scriptures that have helped:
"He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." ~ Mark 16:15 (NIV) - This is a commandment. Must do!
"From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." ~ Matthew 4:17 (NIV) - I realize we are living in the last days and I want to lead as many to the Lord as I can.
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." ~ 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV) - I'm not ashamed of the Gospel and need to just get over myself. I want to handle His truth correctly.
So glad you entered this, Laurie Ann. I always love knowing more about you!
My absolutely gorgeous sister Laurie Ann,
I LOVE this! WOW! And the Scriptures you share are so wonderful! Here's one that really helps me b/c I feel EXACTLY the same way you do...even after all these years, I'm never NOT scared. But I'm always glad afterwards.
The best part about the Way of the Master ministry is they teach you how to share the Gospel w/o feeling like you have to be a theologian and w/o making you feel like you're a failure if someone does not repent and trust Christ. I so mixed about this giveaway, b/c I want EVERYONE to win it!! AHHHH!
Oh, okay, here's the Scripture that really, really helps me, I hope it helps you too it's 2 Cor. 3:4-6.
Love you wonderful sister!
I think your reasons match most of ours. You are honest. Blogging is one thing. Looking someone in eye is another thing altogether.
agreeing with jesusrulzme -- The Way of the Master has given me great insight and wonderful tools -- and I'm a pastor's wife -- DH made me take evangelism 101 (HE taught the class!)
... your testimony mirrors my own in so many ways!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
I would have answered the questions the same as you, I grew up in church. I know when the Holy Spirit wants me to talk about Christ because my heart beats heavy and fast and I feel I must witness at that very moment or I will feel guilty. As for what I say, I ask the Lord to direct my words.. He knows our hearts and I also pray for wisdom. Your blog get the point across.
Interesting Q & A. I relate to struggling with rejection.
Thank you for sharing. I like this discussion. Great to blog about. Great to consider my own answers. I understand the battle of feeling like I will say the wrong thing. Guess I need to trust God to use my voice, my story, and His love to pour into me as the opportunity arises.
Thanks for weighing in on the praise devo I wrote on Laced with Grace. Appreciate your thoughts.
You are amazingly awesome my friend, love you.
Laurie Ann...I assure you that you are not alone in sharing the gospel face-to-face or rather not sharing because I suffer from the same issues. I can blog about it and write about it in emails but when it comes to actually talking to others...I get all tongue tied and scriptures just vanish from my memory. I feel like I look like I have no clue what I'm talking about and why would anyone want to accept someone that I can't even explain or tell them about.
When you get your research done and find answers on overcoming this hangup...please blog about it because I need it too.
P.S. I have another award waiting for might have already received this one but I wanted to share it with you anyway.
Stop by Shore's End when you can to see my new winter layout and learn about a new holiday meme I'll be hosting Turesday!
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